Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas in Singapore

ng was all a bit odd really, yet extremely pleasant!

Arriving in Singapore, I had one important task! Dad's Christmas present which was to be a trouser presser. Dad, like any other sane person, hates ironing and the family had come together to buy this for him. So I would say that my first two days in Singapore were spent going to different shops and having very nice people looking at me blankly. I couldn't find one anywhere! And imagine my shock when I learned that Wii hadn't come to Singapore yet - and I had planned to buy Zelda for my darling nephews! Definitely the last time I arrive to a place with a shopping list. It was just too disappointing and time consuming!

Having said that, though, shopping in Singapore is just blissful! You wouldn't think it, because there's soooo many people, specially right before Christmas, but they were happy!!! I never saw any parents yelling at their kids or any signs of stress at all. It was just joyus all around. Long ques and annoying Christmas tunes all round - but no angry people - which Bergen must have been packed with! It was lovely!!!

On Christmas Eve - I woke up to the usual Christmas stocking presents! I am just such a spoiled little brat!

At night we were off to a Christmas Party with the my dad's company. It was all a bit bizarre for us - since it was Christmas Eve. But lovely food and loads of entertainment. Among them there was an Indian Singaporian cross dresser who apparently is a big celebrity. I, however didn't understand one sixth of what she was saying.

Christmas Day was spent just lounging and eating great food! We went into town for a Christmas festival at night. I don't really know how to describe that experience. There was loads of glitter and lights and little booths with The Virgin Mary (I kid you not) where you could have your picture taken. It was weird seeing Christmas celebrated as a festival, yet really refreshing as well! People were having such a good time and so was I! At the end of our walk we came to a huge stage with an enormous colorful choir singing traditional Christmas songs! Mom had tears in her eyes! When they finished we suddenly heard some loud drums and REALLY dramatic synth sounds and on stage was Josef and Mary looking for a manger! I couldn't help but laugh - it was all so extremely dramatic. And when Josef tossed his robe and started singing "I've got the music in me" - ohhh - it was just GREAT!!!

There's just sooooooo much to tell! It's hard to sum up when I haven't been writing all day! So sorry! And I'll come back and fix the pictures later on tonight! Now - I need to play some Wii with my adorable nephews! Yep - I'm in Adelaide, Australia now! I had a nap after arriving last yesterday and when I woke up I wasn't sure which continent I was on!

Oh - by the way! We're without plans on New Years Eve (Singapore) anyone out there have any recommendations?

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